Cara Menggunakan Scopes Mildot
User Guide
This guide is intended to provide the user of a Mil-Dot equipped optic with information on what the reticle is used for, the basics of its use and how to train yourself to better employ and realize the full potential of this reticle.How to use Mil-Dots
I am sure that most of you have skipped right to this page, as you want to jump ahead and get to using the optic. I have to HIGHLY recommend that you at least look at the diagrams and values associated with the reticle patterns listed under specifications. All right then, lets get to it. The vast majority of users will employ the optic primarily to estimate range, some will also use it to hold for wind and some will use it to calculate and hold leads on moving targets. I will address the latter two uses further into this instruction.Range Estimation
There are two components to range estimation; the mechanics and the math. The mechanics encompass the physical methods of placing the reticle on the target and reading the reticle. The math is taking the "mils read" and converting it to a usable range.The Mechanics
This is definitely the hardest part of range estimation using the mil dot reticle. It requires the shooter/use to place the reticle on the target (of known size), hold it long enough to accurately read it (depending how accurate you are trying to be to the nearest .1 mil).The MOST important aspect of using the mil dot reticle for range estimation is a STEADY HOLD on the target. As you use the reticle, you will realize just how hard it really is to hold the reticle on the target. Most shooters will tend to move the reticle in the direction that they are reading, however many shooters will do the opposite. The shooter must practice shooting positions to determine what is best. All but the best shooters are able to hold a rifle/optic steady enough without a rest or support to accurately read the reticle. Shooters should ALWAYS seek to use some form of rest, bipod, sling etc. to develop a STABLE, DURABLE, and SUSTAINABLE shooting platform. When attempting to estimate range of living (for now) objects, it is imperative that the shooter be practiced and be able to read the scale quickly and accurately because they never stay in one place very long so. In order to develop this skill the shooter must practice, practice and practice (we will cover practice techniques later) using the reticle against targets at different ranges and of different sizes. Additionally the shooter should try all of the methods to determine which he/she prefers and the advantages/disadvantages of each.
Reading the Reticle
In order to use the reticle you must be able to read it. As mentioned elsewhere in this manual you must be able to read the reticle to the nearest .1 mil. Please refer to the diagrams depicted in SPECIFICATIONS for a break down of the specific reticles. Here is a generic break down of a mil dot reticle:Regardless of which method you are going to use, you MUST know the target size (you will see this again). For the sake of this document, we will use the following;
You will notice that Gordy the Ground Hog is 10 inches tall when he stands, which in your world is the average ground hog height.
Once you have the target size you have to decide on which method to use in order to obtain a mil reading. Here are some of the more popular methods;
Cross Hair Method
Heavy Post Method
Mil-Dot Method
The Math
There are two ways that you can derive range using a mil dot equipped optic, to manually compute it either by long hand or by using an electronic calculator OR to use one of several shooter aids that are on the market. The most notable shooter aid available is the Mil Dot Master™ a slide rule type device, which provides the shooter with the ability to line up "mils read" with the target size in inches and gives you the range to the target. The other "device" is what is termed a "cheat sheet" and resembles a spreadsheet depicting mils read on normally the left side and target sizes across the top. By intersecting the two, you arrive at the range to the target.While these devices are definitely handy, anyone using this reticle should know the math associated with it so that when they forget the device or cheat sheet they can still use the reticle to its maximum ability. Therefore, we will begin with the math (long way) of doing this.
Using a mil dot reticle is a mathematical proposition requiring some calculating in order to arrive at a solution. For range estimation problems there are three components; target size (Tz), mils read (m) and range (R). You MUST have two of the three to arrive at the third component. Most commonly, the shooter will know the target size and by using the reticle will arrive at mils read, here are the formulas;Target size (in yards) x 1000 / Mils read = yards to target
Target size (in meters) x 1000 / Mils read = meters to targetIn short: Tz / R = m
I am sure you notice that target size is required in yards or meters. Most of the time you know your target in inches (varmints), therefore the below formulas will help you convert and arrive at a usable range. The first formula for each is the easiest but not the most precise. Try them all out and decide for yourself what is best;
I am sure you notice that target size is required in yards or meters. Most of the time you know your target in inches (varmints), therefore the below formulas will help you convert and arrive at a usable range. The first formula for each is the easiest but not the most precise. Try them all out and decide for yourself what is best;
For Meters:
- Object size (in) divided by 39 x 1000 divided by mils read
- Object size (in) x 25.4 divided by mils read
- Object size (in) divided by 36 x 1000 divided by mils read
- Object size (in) x 27.77 divided by mils read
- 10 inches divided by 36 x 1000 divided by .6 equals 462 yards OR
- 10 inches x 27.77 divided by .6 equals 462 yards OR
- 10 inches divided by 39 x 1000 divided by .6 equals 427 meters OR
- 10 inches x 25.4 divided by .6 equals 423 meters
Shooter Aids
Another form of shooter aide is what is termed a "cheat sheet". This is a spreadsheet like form that shows mils read on one side and target size across the top. This is a simplified version of the MDM but does not require any sliding or moving of anything. Down side is that it only does one thing, provide range from target size and mils read. I will provide a larger version of this diagram at the end of this manual.
So you can see Mr. Ground Hog is about to have some problems if you can also call the wind and hold the target which brings us to the next subject, using the reticle to hold for wind.
How to Train at Range Estimation
Here are some pointers for increasing your range estimation skill:- Construct several targets of known dimension such as 1-yard square (the more the better) and number so that the number can be seen from a distance (the number should be about the size of the target)
- Place these targets out at various ranges ensuring that they can be seen from the start point if possible across varied terrain. The targets should be placed in locations that are accessible by vehicle to allow using the odometer. Do not determine range as you are emplacing the targets, which will only jade your efforts.
- Return to the start point and with a note pad number, the left side with the number of targets you have put out.
- Now, without aid look at the targets you have put out and estimate the range by eye. Write down this figure on your pad next to the corresponding target number. This will help you develop your "by eye" skills and assist you in estimating range by optics.
- After you have finished the "by eye" method, take up a stable shooting position with your UNLOADED rifle or mil dot equipped spotting scope.
- Using the above techniques, mil the targets writing down the mil reading after each corresponding number.
- Do the math or use the shooter aid to determine the range.
- Using the odometer (or other method such as laser range finder, map, etc) determine the actual range to the targets.
- Compare this to what you determined by eye and using mils.
- You can also do the same as above by leaving the targets in place and moving your position.
- You can also vary target size and using the calculations or shooter aid determine the range/s.
Wind Hold Offs
Holding off for wind although simple sounding is an extremely difficult proposition and next to range estimation the most difficult of all shooter SKILLS to master. We could devote pages to this issue and describe a variety of methods to determine wind, however this manual is about mils not wind calling. We cannot however talk about using mils to hold off winds without at least discussing winds a little.There are three components to calling wind, identifying the wind velocity in mph, identifying wind direction, and identifying wind value in minutes of angle or mils (derived from the speed). There are several ways to accomplish these three things;
WIND VELOCITY: Wind velocity is normally expressed in miles per hour (mph) or perhaps kilometers per hour (kph). Either way, wind has a speed that must be identified/recognized. There are two ways to determine wind; use of an instrument to measure it or by visual indicators. The next aspect is where to measure/read the wind; at the shooters position, mid range or at the target. Without getting too deep into this issue I will share how I do it and you can make up your own mind.
I use visual indicators (mirage and vegetation) to identify the wind velocity and direction. I do this because I am a tactical shooter and cannot afford to use an instrument at my position without compromising it. I look at the wind at mid range and at the target because this is where the bullet is under the most contact with the wind.
There are other sources that can give you what the value of mirage or waving vegetation is, therefore I will not go into it here suffice to say that like the rest of this issue PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE are the keys to being able to identify and call the wind.
Once you have determined the wind speed and direction, you can give it a value in MOA or Mils. The moa or mil value is normally developed through the use of ballistic charts from a variety of sources (like Sierra Bullets The value will be dependent of bullet weight, muzzle velocity, wind speed and range to target.
Most experienced shooters "SWAG" the wind and shoot, what they "feel" is right. By doing, this they develop experience in what a given wind is worth in mils or minutes (note: you need to build the experience from correct speeds and values, therefore you will have to measure it in the beginning). If you determine the wind in moa you must convert it to mils then hold that IN THE DIRECTION OF THE WIND. Of course, it is much easier to determine the wind in mils thus eliminating the need to convert. Wind in mils will normally be in quarters (1/4, ½, ¾, etc) keeping in mind that one-mil equals 3.375 or 3.438 moa depending on the reticle you are using.
Lets recap; if you are looking down range at a target located 300 yards from you and you determine there to be an 8 mph left to right wind present at the target. Consulting a handy wind chart you see that the wind is worth 2 moa. In order to figure out the mil hold off you have to determine what 2 moa is equates to in mils. Since there is 3.375 moa in a mil, 2 moa is 59% of a mil or just over a ½ mil hold TO THE LEFT. That is you place the center of the reticle ½ mil to the left of the target to compensate for the wind.
Training On Calling Wind
Like everything else, this requires practice, practice and more practice. Unlike range estimation, wind calling will require you to also shoot to confirm or deny your call. One way to gain experience is to attend competitions even as an observer and watch experienced shooter deal with the wind. There you can see calls (you will have to make some friends there first) and the results on the target. I should mention the use of so-called "Kentucky" windage, which is usually firing multiple rounds until a hit is obtained. This may be applicable for some of you. In order to develop a skill at calling wind, you must start using known wind, for this an anemometer (wind meter) is needed. Look at the wind, make a guess and then measure it. Over time, your skill will increase to the point that you will become accurate.Moving Targets
Some of you will use the mil dot reticle to engage moving targets. This is an extremely difficult task not to mention hard to practice. Professional shooters will use known distance ranges with moving targets to practice this skill.There are three levels of movers; walkers, fast walk or slow run (trot) and run. You notice that I have not listed "dead sprint" or fast run, this is because engaging targets at these speeds is beyond the scope of most shooters and should not be attempted unless you are extremely skilled. Of the three speeds, you can of course further sub-divide them but you only make it harder to identify. Like wind, you must be able to determine target speed from which you can determine a "lead". A lead will be determined by not only target speed but also range to the target and caliber being used. You can mathematically calculate a lead by using a good ballistics program like that offered by Sierra Bullets to determine the "Time Of Flight" of a given projectile/caliber for a given distance. You might want to take a look at the delivered energy at that range to see where your limits should be with reference to the ability to drop the target. Once you have the TOF and range you then factor in rifle lock time and target speed to arrive at a lead.
The math that is involved here is pretty simple, but requires a little "computing". Say we are looking at a walking Deer. Lets say that the deer moves at 2 mph; seeing as how there are 5280 feet in 1 mile, therefore there are 10560 feet in 2 miles, divide this by 60 (60 minutes in an hour) and we arrive at 176 feet in a minute, divided by 60 (60 seconds in a minute) and we arrive at 2.93 feet per second. We are shooting a .308 Winchester from 300 yards using 168 grain Match King (I know it is not a preferred hunting bullet) with a muzzle velocity of 2650 feet per second and a TOF of .382677903 seconds (to travel the 300 yards). We are shooting a Remington 700 BDL with a lock time (time it takes the firing pin to hit and ignite the primer) of .003 seconds. Therefore, we add the lock time to the TOF to arrive at a total time from trigger being pulled until the bullet impacts at the target area equals .3856779 seconds (TOF plus lock time).
How to Train
As noted in the beginning of this section this skill is extremely difficult to train. However, if you have the means or devise some way of making a moving target in an area where you can train you should do so at every opportunity. Here are some pointers;- Start with known target speed, preferably slow and build speed as skill increases. Do not increase target speed until you can hit them 90% or better all of the time.
- Use a target size that at a minimum replicates the kill zone of your intended target. In the beginning, a larger target should be used to show hits to allow you to adjust your leads/actions.
- Begin training at close ranges, i.e. 50 yards. Work your way back as your skill increases.
- You should use a partner positioned slightly behind your shoulder of your shooting side with a spotting scope that is as close to the line of bore as possible. He should look for bullet trace (vapor trail of the bullet) and provide you with feedback as to where the bullet is going.
Mil Dot Illustrations and Explanations
Cara Menggunakan Scopes Mildot
User Guide
This guide is intended to provide the user of a Mil-Dot equipped optic with information on what the reticle is used for, the basics of its use and how to train yourself to better employ and realize the full potential of this reticle.How to use Mil-Dots
I am sure that most of you have skipped right to this page, as you want to jump ahead and get to using the optic. I have to HIGHLY recommend that you at least look at the diagrams and values associated with the reticle patterns listed under specifications. All right then, lets get to it. The vast majority of users will employ the optic primarily to estimate range, some will also use it to hold for wind and some will use it to calculate and hold leads on moving targets. I will address the latter two uses further into this instruction.Range Estimation
There are two components to range estimation; the mechanics and the math. The mechanics encompass the physical methods of placing the reticle on the target and reading the reticle. The math is taking the "mils read" and converting it to a usable range.The Mechanics
This is definitely the hardest part of range estimation using the mil dot reticle. It requires the shooter/use to place the reticle on the target (of known size), hold it long enough to accurately read it (depending how accurate you are trying to be to the nearest .1 mil).The MOST important aspect of using the mil dot reticle for range estimation is a STEADY HOLD on the target. As you use the reticle, you will realize just how hard it really is to hold the reticle on the target. Most shooters will tend to move the reticle in the direction that they are reading, however many shooters will do the opposite. The shooter must practice shooting positions to determine what is best. All but the best shooters are able to hold a rifle/optic steady enough without a rest or support to accurately read the reticle. Shooters should ALWAYS seek to use some form of rest, bipod, sling etc. to develop a STABLE, DURABLE, and SUSTAINABLE shooting platform. When attempting to estimate range of living (for now) objects, it is imperative that the shooter be practiced and be able to read the scale quickly and accurately because they never stay in one place very long so. In order to develop this skill the shooter must practice, practice and practice (we will cover practice techniques later) using the reticle against targets at different ranges and of different sizes. Additionally the shooter should try all of the methods to determine which he/she prefers and the advantages/disadvantages of each.
Reading the Reticle
In order to use the reticle you must be able to read it. As mentioned elsewhere in this manual you must be able to read the reticle to the nearest .1 mil. Please refer to the diagrams depicted in SPECIFICATIONS for a break down of the specific reticles. Here is a generic break down of a mil dot reticle:Regardless of which method you are going to use, you MUST know the target size (you will see this again). For the sake of this document, we will use the following;
You will notice that Gordy the Ground Hog is 10 inches tall when he stands, which in your world is the average ground hog height.
Once you have the target size you have to decide on which method to use in order to obtain a mil reading. Here are some of the more popular methods;
Cross Hair Method
Heavy Post Method
Mil-Dot Method
The Math
There are two ways that you can derive range using a mil dot equipped optic, to manually compute it either by long hand or by using an electronic calculator OR to use one of several shooter aids that are on the market. The most notable shooter aid available is the Mil Dot Master™ a slide rule type device, which provides the shooter with the ability to line up "mils read" with the target size in inches and gives you the range to the target. The other "device" is what is termed a "cheat sheet" and resembles a spreadsheet depicting mils read on normally the left side and target sizes across the top. By intersecting the two, you arrive at the range to the target.While these devices are definitely handy, anyone using this reticle should know the math associated with it so that when they forget the device or cheat sheet they can still use the reticle to its maximum ability. Therefore, we will begin with the math (long way) of doing this.
Using a mil dot reticle is a mathematical proposition requiring some calculating in order to arrive at a solution. For range estimation problems there are three components; target size (Tz), mils read (m) and range (R). You MUST have two of the three to arrive at the third component. Most commonly, the shooter will know the target size and by using the reticle will arrive at mils read, here are the formulas;Target size (in yards) x 1000 / Mils read = yards to target
Target size (in meters) x 1000 / Mils read = meters to targetIn short: Tz / R = m
I am sure you notice that target size is required in yards or meters. Most of the time you know your target in inches (varmints), therefore the below formulas will help you convert and arrive at a usable range. The first formula for each is the easiest but not the most precise. Try them all out and decide for yourself what is best;
I am sure you notice that target size is required in yards or meters. Most of the time you know your target in inches (varmints), therefore the below formulas will help you convert and arrive at a usable range. The first formula for each is the easiest but not the most precise. Try them all out and decide for yourself what is best;
For Meters:
- Object size (in) divided by 39 x 1000 divided by mils read
- Object size (in) x 25.4 divided by mils read
- Object size (in) divided by 36 x 1000 divided by mils read
- Object size (in) x 27.77 divided by mils read
- 10 inches divided by 36 x 1000 divided by .6 equals 462 yards OR
- 10 inches x 27.77 divided by .6 equals 462 yards OR
- 10 inches divided by 39 x 1000 divided by .6 equals 427 meters OR
- 10 inches x 25.4 divided by .6 equals 423 meters
Shooter Aids
Another form of shooter aide is what is termed a "cheat sheet". This is a spreadsheet like form that shows mils read on one side and target size across the top. This is a simplified version of the MDM but does not require any sliding or moving of anything. Down side is that it only does one thing, provide range from target size and mils read. I will provide a larger version of this diagram at the end of this manual.
So you can see Mr. Ground Hog is about to have some problems if you can also call the wind and hold the target which brings us to the next subject, using the reticle to hold for wind.
How to Train at Range Estimation
Here are some pointers for increasing your range estimation skill:- Construct several targets of known dimension such as 1-yard square (the more the better) and number so that the number can be seen from a distance (the number should be about the size of the target)
- Place these targets out at various ranges ensuring that they can be seen from the start point if possible across varied terrain. The targets should be placed in locations that are accessible by vehicle to allow using the odometer. Do not determine range as you are emplacing the targets, which will only jade your efforts.
- Return to the start point and with a note pad number, the left side with the number of targets you have put out.
- Now, without aid look at the targets you have put out and estimate the range by eye. Write down this figure on your pad next to the corresponding target number. This will help you develop your "by eye" skills and assist you in estimating range by optics.
- After you have finished the "by eye" method, take up a stable shooting position with your UNLOADED rifle or mil dot equipped spotting scope.
- Using the above techniques, mil the targets writing down the mil reading after each corresponding number.
- Do the math or use the shooter aid to determine the range.
- Using the odometer (or other method such as laser range finder, map, etc) determine the actual range to the targets.
- Compare this to what you determined by eye and using mils.
- You can also do the same as above by leaving the targets in place and moving your position.
- You can also vary target size and using the calculations or shooter aid determine the range/s.
Wind Hold Offs
Holding off for wind although simple sounding is an extremely difficult proposition and next to range estimation the most difficult of all shooter SKILLS to master. We could devote pages to this issue and describe a variety of methods to determine wind, however this manual is about mils not wind calling. We cannot however talk about using mils to hold off winds without at least discussing winds a little.There are three components to calling wind, identifying the wind velocity in mph, identifying wind direction, and identifying wind value in minutes of angle or mils (derived from the speed). There are several ways to accomplish these three things;
WIND VELOCITY: Wind velocity is normally expressed in miles per hour (mph) or perhaps kilometers per hour (kph). Either way, wind has a speed that must be identified/recognized. There are two ways to determine wind; use of an instrument to measure it or by visual indicators. The next aspect is where to measure/read the wind; at the shooters position, mid range or at the target. Without getting too deep into this issue I will share how I do it and you can make up your own mind.
I use visual indicators (mirage and vegetation) to identify the wind velocity and direction. I do this because I am a tactical shooter and cannot afford to use an instrument at my position without compromising it. I look at the wind at mid range and at the target because this is where the bullet is under the most contact with the wind.
There are other sources that can give you what the value of mirage or waving vegetation is, therefore I will not go into it here suffice to say that like the rest of this issue PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE are the keys to being able to identify and call the wind.
Once you have determined the wind speed and direction, you can give it a value in MOA or Mils. The moa or mil value is normally developed through the use of ballistic charts from a variety of sources (like Sierra Bullets The value will be dependent of bullet weight, muzzle velocity, wind speed and range to target.
Most experienced shooters "SWAG" the wind and shoot, what they "feel" is right. By doing, this they develop experience in what a given wind is worth in mils or minutes (note: you need to build the experience from correct speeds and values, therefore you will have to measure it in the beginning). If you determine the wind in moa you must convert it to mils then hold that IN THE DIRECTION OF THE WIND. Of course, it is much easier to determine the wind in mils thus eliminating the need to convert. Wind in mils will normally be in quarters (1/4, ½, ¾, etc) keeping in mind that one-mil equals 3.375 or 3.438 moa depending on the reticle you are using.
Lets recap; if you are looking down range at a target located 300 yards from you and you determine there to be an 8 mph left to right wind present at the target. Consulting a handy wind chart you see that the wind is worth 2 moa. In order to figure out the mil hold off you have to determine what 2 moa is equates to in mils. Since there is 3.375 moa in a mil, 2 moa is 59% of a mil or just over a ½ mil hold TO THE LEFT. That is you place the center of the reticle ½ mil to the left of the target to compensate for the wind.
Training On Calling Wind
Like everything else, this requires practice, practice and more practice. Unlike range estimation, wind calling will require you to also shoot to confirm or deny your call. One way to gain experience is to attend competitions even as an observer and watch experienced shooter deal with the wind. There you can see calls (you will have to make some friends there first) and the results on the target. I should mention the use of so-called "Kentucky" windage, which is usually firing multiple rounds until a hit is obtained. This may be applicable for some of you. In order to develop a skill at calling wind, you must start using known wind, for this an anemometer (wind meter) is needed. Look at the wind, make a guess and then measure it. Over time, your skill will increase to the point that you will become accurate.Moving Targets
Some of you will use the mil dot reticle to engage moving targets. This is an extremely difficult task not to mention hard to practice. Professional shooters will use known distance ranges with moving targets to practice this skill.There are three levels of movers; walkers, fast walk or slow run (trot) and run. You notice that I have not listed "dead sprint" or fast run, this is because engaging targets at these speeds is beyond the scope of most shooters and should not be attempted unless you are extremely skilled. Of the three speeds, you can of course further sub-divide them but you only make it harder to identify. Like wind, you must be able to determine target speed from which you can determine a "lead". A lead will be determined by not only target speed but also range to the target and caliber being used. You can mathematically calculate a lead by using a good ballistics program like that offered by Sierra Bullets to determine the "Time Of Flight" of a given projectile/caliber for a given distance. You might want to take a look at the delivered energy at that range to see where your limits should be with reference to the ability to drop the target. Once you have the TOF and range you then factor in rifle lock time and target speed to arrive at a lead.
The math that is involved here is pretty simple, but requires a little "computing". Say we are looking at a walking Deer. Lets say that the deer moves at 2 mph; seeing as how there are 5280 feet in 1 mile, therefore there are 10560 feet in 2 miles, divide this by 60 (60 minutes in an hour) and we arrive at 176 feet in a minute, divided by 60 (60 seconds in a minute) and we arrive at 2.93 feet per second. We are shooting a .308 Winchester from 300 yards using 168 grain Match King (I know it is not a preferred hunting bullet) with a muzzle velocity of 2650 feet per second and a TOF of .382677903 seconds (to travel the 300 yards). We are shooting a Remington 700 BDL with a lock time (time it takes the firing pin to hit and ignite the primer) of .003 seconds. Therefore, we add the lock time to the TOF to arrive at a total time from trigger being pulled until the bullet impacts at the target area equals .3856779 seconds (TOF plus lock time).
How to Train
As noted in the beginning of this section this skill is extremely difficult to train. However, if you have the means or devise some way of making a moving target in an area where you can train you should do so at every opportunity. Here are some pointers;- Start with known target speed, preferably slow and build speed as skill increases. Do not increase target speed until you can hit them 90% or better all of the time.
- Use a target size that at a minimum replicates the kill zone of your intended target. In the beginning, a larger target should be used to show hits to allow you to adjust your leads/actions.
- Begin training at close ranges, i.e. 50 yards. Work your way back as your skill increases.
- You should use a partner positioned slightly behind your shoulder of your shooting side with a spotting scope that is as close to the line of bore as possible. He should look for bullet trace (vapor trail of the bullet) and provide you with feedback as to where the bullet is going.
Mil Dot Illustrations and Explanations
Hunting Hog With Gamo Extreme Air Rifle
Air Rifle Hunt Hog
specifications :
- Loudness: 4-Medium-High
- Weight: 9.00 lbs
- Barrel Length:18.00"
- Overall Length: 45.80"
- Capacity: 1 round(s)
- Cocking Effort:58 lbs.
- Barrel: Rifled
- Front Sight: None
- Rear Sight: None
- Scopeable: 11mm dovetail
- Apprx. Trigger Pull: 4.50 lbs
- Buttpad: Rubber
- Suggested for: Hunting
- Action: Break barrel
- Powerplant: Spring-piston
- Safety: Manual
- Repeater: Single-shot
- Body: Rifle
- Power :1300 fps
Paint Ball Spyder RT
- All Metal Electronic Marker
- Rocking Trigger Frame
- CAMD (Color Access Mode Display) Circuit Board
- 4-Way Adjustable Trigger
- ACS (Anti-Chop System) Delrin Bolt
- 9.6v Rechargeable Battery and Charger Included
- Semi Automatic
- Co2
Crosman Bristol Crossbow
Crosman Bristol Crossbow, 150 lbs.:
* CenterPoint 3-dot Quick Aim Sight 1x25 scope with red/green illumination
* Quick-detach one-piece quiver
* Three carbon arrows
* Three field points
* Velocity: 285-295 feet per second
* Weight: 8.5 lbs
* Length: 36"
* Width: 26" Axle to Axle
* Safety: Ambidextrous
* Draw Weight: 150 lbs.
* Stock: Composite
* Limbs: Quad System
* System: Cam Wheels
* Riser: Aluminum
* Battery included
* Made in the U.S.A.
Assembly Required : Yes
Model No. : ABX285
Shipping Weight (in pounds) : 9.0
Product in Inches (L x W x H) : 41.0 x 27.0 x 8.5
Assembled in Country of Origin: USA
Origin of Components : USA
Walmart No. : 000987255
Yukon NVRS Tactical 2.5x50 Night Vision Rifle Scope
This is a Gen 1 NV scope and will not stand up to heavy-recoiling firearms or magnum spring-piston airguns.
The Yukon NVRS Tactical Internal Focus 2.5x50 uses enhanced optics, a durable, titanium body and sleek design to separate itself from any other night vision riflescope.
The NVRS Tactical 2.5x50 has internal focusing ability and an ergonomic design to allow for more comfort during shooting. It is also equipped with a powerful 50mm lens to provide higher resolution and light gathering capabilities, and flip-up lens covers open to reveal quality multicoated optics and an illuminated reticle.
A built-in, powerful Pulse infrared illuminator is easily activated to enhance image brightness and increase range in total darkness; a precision windage and elevation adjustment and remote are additional features.
The NVRS Tactical 2.5x50 is also digital camera adaptable with the digital camera accessory; other accessories include a laser pointer, AK adapter, IR flashlight and doubler lens, which are all sold separately. The NVRS Tactical 2.5x50 is backed by Yukon's Limited Lifetime Warranty.
- Magnification: 2.5x
- Lens diameter: 50mm
- Field of view: 15 degrees
- Resolution, typical(lp/mm): 32-36
- Focus range(yd): 1 to infinity
- Eye relief: 45mm
- Diopter adjustment: +4,-4
- Detection range(yd): up to 230
- Recognition range(yd): up to 120
- IR illuminator effective distance(yd): up to 100
- Reticle type: illuminated red-green duplex
- Reticle windage/elevation adjustment: 1/2 MOA per click
- Power supply; battery type feed voltage: (2) AA
- Estimated power life, w/out IR: up to 50 hours
- Operating temperature: -22 to +122 (f)
- Dimensions: 10.0" x 3.1" x 3.3"
- Weight: 33.5 oz
- Weaver mount
Crosman Challenger Air Rifle
Crosman worked with Hans and Ray Apelles, two world-class airgunners, to develop the new Challenger Dual Fuel competition air rifle.
specifications :
- Loudness: 2-Low-Medium
- Weight: 7.30 lbs
- Overall Length: 41.75"
- Capacity: 1 round(s)
- Barrel: Rifled
- Front Sight: Globe with Aperture Inserts
- Rear Sight: Diopter/micrometer adjustable
- Scopeable: 11mm dovetail
- Trigger adj.: Two-stage adjustable
- Buttpad: Adjustable
- Suggested for: Competition
- Action: Bolt-action
- Powerplant: PCP and CO2
- Safety: Automatic
- Repeater: Single-shot
- Body: Rifle
- Power: 530 ft/sec
Cara Menembak Target & Silhouette Shooting
Dalam olah raga menembak dengan senapan angin kaliber 4,5mm ini dibagi atas dua bagian yaitu Kegiatan Berburu ke Hutan dan Menembak Target dan Silhouette.
1. Hobi Menembak Target dan Silhouette
- Menembak Target dan Sillhouette adalah kegiatan menembak sebuah benda mati atau target berupa gambar atau benda yang mirip dengan target hewan yang diburu dalam bentuk mini, pada umumnya kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada lomba-lomba menembak untuk mendapatkan hadiah dari panitia penyelenggara atau sponsor.
- Kelas senapan angin yang dilombakan adalah jenis pompa, per dan gas (pcp), pada umumnya jarak yang dilombakan sejauh 10 meter tanpa menggunakan telescope sedangkan yang menggunakan telescope bisa sejauh 25-40 meter keatas.
- Adapun posisi menembak yang dilombakan : berdiri, jongkok, tiarap, duduk dan berdiri diatas papan yang digantung sehingga papan tersebut pada saat kita injak akan bergoyang, posisi nembak tersebut dilaksanakan sesuai kebutuhan atau tergantung target yang dipersiapkan oleh panitia lomba.
Apa yang harus dipersiapkan bila kita ingin mengikuti kegiatan tersebut, berikut beberapa tips :
- Siapkan uang yang banyak untuk pendaftaran, akomodasi dan transportasi, juga untuk persiapan apabila kita ingin melakukan daftar ulang.......karena pada lomba-lomba seperti itu biasanya peserta diperbolehkan untuk mengulang pendaftaran apabila merasa kurang puas atas nilai tembakannya.
- Berlatihlah dahulu dengan target/silhouette serta jarak dan posisi dengan standar internasional atau buatlah simulasi lomba dengan target, posisi dan jarak yang kemungkinan dilombakan.
- Pastikan senapan sudah dalam posisi zero setelah berlatih.
- Gunakan satu jenis pellet yang sesuai dengan senapan yang akan dipakai, karena ke akuratan pellet masing-masing berbeda pada setiap senapannya.
- Gunakan sepatu dengan bentuk rata melebar (tidak lancip)
- Berpakaianlah yang simpel khususnya bila perlombaan di adakan di tempat terbuka.
- Makan dan beristirahatlah secukupnya sebelum mengikuti lomba.
- Kuatkan mental, karena konsentrasi nembak pada saat latihan dengan saat lomba sangat jauh berbeda.
Senapan Angin - Air Rifle - Wikipedia
Senapan angin dikembangkan pada saat Amerika Serikat sedang mengalami perang kemerdekaan melawan Inggris. Dikembangkan juga lebih lanjut pada saat perang sipil di Amerika bergejolak. Pada saat itu senapan angin dapat membunuh seekor anak sapi/lembu dalam jarak tembak 10 meter dibagian kepala. Mengenai jarak tembak, bergantung pada jenis senapan angin. Untuk yang bertipe pegas memiliki jarak tembak efektif 30 hingga 40 meter (tergantung bahan dan kualitas pegas), untuk tipe pompa jarak tembak efektifnya adalah 40 meter(tergantung kekuatan memompa) dan tipe gas memiliki jarak tembak efektif 60 meter.
Namun penggunaan senapan ini di posisikan untuk senapan target maupun buru dengan ukuran smallgame, penggunaan di luar itu dianggap suatu kegiatan yang diluar ketentuan.
[sunting] Senapan angin di Indonesia
Di Indonesia, salah satu merek yang terkenal akan presisi dan daya tembak mendekati senapan angin eropa adalah Sharp Dragon, sedangkan yang cukup mudah ditemui di pasaran serta metode produksinya mudah adalah Sharp Innova. Sharp Dragon dan Innova sebenarnya merupakan merek senapan angin yang diproduksi di Amerika dan Jepang sekitar dua dasawarsa yang lalu dan merupakan senapan angin yang cukup dapat diperhitungkan kualitasnya (menurut review para penggunanya). Kini merek Innova tersebut diproduksi di bawah lisensi (butuh informasi tambahan) oleh banyak produsen lokal di Indonesia, sedangkan merek Dragon sudah dipaten kan, dan diproduksi hanya oleh satu produsen di Pare, Kediri Jawa Timur. Sharp Innova buatan Indonesia juga dikenal dengan nama Sharp Tiger.
di Indonesia sendiri sudah memiliki sejarah yang panjang. Di Indonesia, dengan kaliber 4,5 mm tidak memerlukan izin. Sedangkan untuk kaliber 5,5 mm keatas memerlukan izin. Penyalahgunaan senapan angin di Indonesia sangat tinggi, karena itu pada tahun 2012 nantinya senapan angin akan diberlakukan seperti senjata api, dimana pengguna harus menggudangkan senapannya di polres dan memiliki surat izin serta tergabung dalam PERBAKIN.
[sunting] Jenis senapan angin:
[sunting] Senapan tipe per/pegas
Senapan angin yang memakai per untuk memompa udara untuk mendorong proyektil. Untuk yang bertipe per, senapan angin dibagi dalam:
- tipe under lever,
- side lever, dan
- patah laras.
[sunting] Senapan angin yang memakai gas dalam tabung yang termampatkan
Gas sudah dipompa terlebih dahulu sebelum senjata akan digunakan.
1. Menggunakan tabung Gas CO2 kecil yang mana proyekstil atau pelet di dorong menggunakan tekanan yang Gas CO2 dari dalam tabung, tekanan yang dihasilkan tidak terlalu besar, biasanya di pergunakan pada pistol atau senapan angin dengan jarak tembak pendek +/- 10m.Pellets yg digunakan biasanya tipe diabolo.
2. Menggunakan udara tekan biasa disebut PCP (Pre Charge Peneumatic) memiliki tekanan yang besar antara 2.000 - 3.000 psi, dapat melontarkan proyektil atau pellet sampai kecepatan > 1.000 fps biasa digunakan pada small or medium hunting. bisa menggunakan tipe pellets semua jenis termasuk tipe pile driver yg membutuhkan tekanan angin tinggi diatas 1500psi untuk menghasilkan daya lontar peluru yg optimum.
[sunting] Senapan tipe pompa
Senapan angin yang memakai pompa (pump action) untuk memampatkan udara lalu dilepas untuk melontarkan proyektil. Sedangkan untuk tipe pompa ada dua tipe cara pelepasan angin, yaitu :
- Knock open valve dan
- Dumping system
pada sistem Knock Open Valve digunakan pemukul/hammer seperti senjata api biasa pada bagian dalam dan untuk yang eksternal digunakan pelatuk yang mirip dengn pistol colt.Untuk Dumping system menggunakan klep yg dapat terbuka penuh pada saat trigger /pelatuk terpicu.Contoh senapan angin yg menggunakan Knock open valve yaitu Benyamin Sheridan,Titan,Falcon,Kalong,Kuda (dua terakhir lokal)dan untuk Dumping system yaitu Sharp Dragon,Innova,Ace,Shapto(lokal) Biasanya pada industri senapan angin dibeberapa negara menyamakan peraturannya mirip dengan senjata api. dan untuk mencegah senapan angin yang diproduksi secara rumahan/home industri di selewengkan pemerintah beberapa negara membatasi panjang laras terpendek yaitu minimal 45 cm/18" dari ruang proyektil untuk senjata api dan 12" untuk senapan angin.
[sunting] Kaliber senapan angin
Senapan angin juga merupakan tipe senapan dengan beberapa kaliber. selain kaliber yang disebutkan diatas senapan angin juga dikembangkan kaliber yang lebih besar lagi.
[sunting] Jenis jenis kaliber senapan angin :
- .177" (4.5 mm) - kaliber paling umum, digunakan juga di lomba menembak Olimpiade ISFF, peluru ini mempunyai lintasan yang paling datar sehingga menjadikannya paling akurat.Tidak memerlukan izin untuk memiliki senapan kaliber ini di Indonesia.
- .20" (5.0 mm) - banyak digunakan di Eropa dan senapan merek Sheridan (USA).Mempunyai lintasan yang rata mirip .177 tapi mengirim lebih banyak tenaga.
- .22" (5.5 mm & 5.6 mm) - kaliber paling umum untuk berburu, karena mempunyai energi yang cukup besar.Harus menggunakan izin utnuk memiliki senapan kaliber ini di Indonesia.
- .25" (6.35 mm) - kaliber umum yang paling besar, mempunyai tenaga paling besar pada saat tumbukan tetapi lintasannya sangatlah melengkung (parabola) sehingga hanya digunakan pada senapan dengan tenaga yang besar.
[sunting] Proyektil
Proyektil senapan angin memiliki beberapa jenis yang dibedakan dari bentuk kepala proyektil. Adapun jenis-jenis yang beredar sekarang adalah
kepala lancip (sharp point)
- Biasanya proyektil jenis ini digunakan untuk menmbus sasaran yang relatif keras seperti tulang
kepala bulat (dome point)
- Proyektil jenis ini digunakan secara umum untuk kegitan berburu, kelebihan proyektil jenis ini memiliki akurasi yangbaik dan hasil perkenaan yang mematikan
kepala rata (flat point)
- Umumnya digunakan untuk perlombaan dimana sasaran yang ditembak adalah kertas, Flat poin, menghasilkan lubang tembakan yang rata sehingga memudahkan dalam penilaian
kepala berlubang (hollow point)
- Menimbulkan efek luka bukaan yang lebih besar dari diameter pelet
Disunting dari Wikipedia
Daisy Avanti 753 Air Rifle
specifications :
- Loudness: 2-Low-Medium
- Weight: 6.40 lbs
- Barrel Length:20.88"
- Overall Length: 39.75"
- Capacity: 1 round(s)
- Cocking Effort:20 lbs.
- Barrel: Rifled
- Front Sight: Globe with Aperture Inserts
- Rear Sight: Diopter/micrometer adjustable
- Scopeable: 11mm dovetail
- Trigger adj.: Single-stage
- Apprx. Trigger Pull: 5.50 lbs
- Buttpad: Plastic
- Suggested for: Competition
- Action: Bolt-action
- Powerplant: Single-stroke pneumatic
- Safety: Manual
- Repeater: Single-shot
- Power: 510 ft/sec
- Cal: 0.177
Diana RWS 54 Air Rifle
specifications :
- Loudness: 3-Medium
- Weight: 9.00 lbs
- Barrel Length:17.00"
- Overall Length: 43.00"
- Capacity: 1 round(s)
- Cocking Effort:39 lbs.
- Barrel: Rifled
- Front Sight: Blade and Ramp
- Rear Sight: Adjustable for windage and elevation
- Scopeable: 11mm dovetail
- Trigger adj.: Two-stage adjustable
- Apprx. Trigger Pull: 3.30 lbs
- Buttpad: Rubber
- Suggested for: Small game hunting/target practice
- Action: Sidelever
- Powerplant: Spring-piston
- Safety: Automatic
- Repeater: Single-shot
- Body: Rifle
- Max Power : 1100 ft/sec
- Cal : 0.177
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